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Newport Food Frenzy

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karen woodcock and martin pedley

all about newport. it's all about promoting the best of this area

co-founders karen woodock and martin pedley of all about newport ltd

News that tells a local story

To complement the local businesses, we publish locally sourced news stories from around the area. News that tells a story. Local heros, businesses celebrating an award, Anniversary or opening a new branch, new staff appointments, about your village or sporting achievement. It's what makes this community unique. And that's why we will never charge to post local (not-for-profit) stories.

These will also be shared via Social Media to get your news out there!

Use our free news platform to share these stories with local people. or call 07973 385929 or complete the form below.

what's on and where

Newport has plenty to offer when it comes to hosting events for the whole family. Over the years we have built up a reputation for providing online dates, times and information for all the key attractions in the towm. Our analytics clearly shows peak times throughout the year, where people drop by to find out when and where to be for the next major event.

get in touch

Any personal details entered here will not be shared, sold or rented for marketing purposes. All part of of our GDPR committment.

how to get in touch

contact by phone

To discuss your sales or marketing needs, events or editorial, please call Karen on 07973 385929

contact by email

For local news stories, please send your editorial and photos to

contact by post

All About Newport Ltd, c/o Newport Enterprise Centre, 10a High Street, Newport, Shropshire, TF10 7AN