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Norbury Canal Festival 2024

Norbury Canal Festival 2024

04 May 2024 - Newport Shropshire

what's happening on the day

 Norbury Canal Festival will be held on Saturday 3rd, Sunday 4th and Monday 5th May 2024.

This year we are aiming to make the Festival the biggest and best so far. It will again be held on both sides of the canal with food, trade and traditional arts and crafts stalls spread along the canal tow path, around Norbury Wharf and in the canalside garden of the Junction Inn. The stalls that used to be in the field behind the pub have been re-located so that they are closer to the other attractions. Lisa Fairy and Windmill Broadcasting will be providing music and information throughout the 3 days and face-painting, plus a Prize Treasure Hunt for children will be available in the pub garden. The pub field will be a Children’s’ Fairground with fairground rides and stalls.

And parking at this year’s Festival will be FREE!

On the water there will be plenty of canal traders and craft boats to add to the atmosphere with regular boat trips along the canal.

Trading boats Including cheese boat, pizza boat, canal ware, gifts, crafts and much more
Historic boats

Alpaca trekking
Boat trips
Food and drink
Kids face painting
Live music
by the Charwallahs

We are expecting more visiting boats this year and entries are filling up quickly. There will be a Best Looking Boat Competition for the visiting boats. Norbury Wharf will be providing one of the narrowboats for visitors to look around.

Find out more
telephone 01785 284292 With thanks to Norbury Park for
accommodating the FREE festival car park

Norbury Junction, Staffordshire, ST20 0PN

All above details are subject to change. 

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