what's on » All About Business Doing Business

All About Business Doing Business
08 April 2025 - Newport Shropshire
what's happening on the day
You are invited to attend the Business Doing Business event in Newport, Shropshire, This is a Face to Face meeting. NEW VENUE: THE NEW INN, STAFFORD ROAD, NEWPORT, SHROPSHIRE, TF10 7LX
Free parking on Stafford Street Car Park.
A free event to be held on Tuesday 8th April at 7.30am to 9am.
No fee or membership to pay. Just book to attend and turn up pay for your own coffee/tea.
This event is for businesses that want to do business with like minded people, to collaborate, innovative, share information and forge new connections.
The event is open to all businesses from the self employed, small business to corporates and any category of business. All welcome.
Please may we ask you to register (Link below) so we have an idea of the amount of attendees.
The agenda for this meeting is as follows:
7.30am Welcome and introductions
8.00am - Title of talk: To be confrmed
Contact the event organiser: Call Karen Woodcock on 07973 385929 or emai: karen@allaboutnewport.co.uk
booking link 👉 To follow