what's on » All invited to Shropshire Young Farmers Rally and Dance

All invited to Shropshire Young Farmers Rally and Dance
29 June 2019 - Newport Shropshire
what's happening on the day
On Saturday 29th June 2019, The Shropshire Federation of Young Farmers Clubs are hosting their annual Rally and Dance. This year the Rally is being held at Howle Manor, Howle, Nr Newport, TF10 8AY. The theme is ‘Around the World with Shropshire YFC’s Gap Year Rally’, celebrating Young Farmers’ enthusiasm for travelling the world, experience many different ways of life and cultures.
The Rally is open for all to attend, we have many active competitions throughout the day, starting at 9 am. There will also be static competitions open to view from 11 am onwards. Competitions are broad and varied, ranging from our traditional Stock Judging, celebrating the roots of SFYFC, as well as flower arranging and sheep shearing. The competitions will be closed with an assault course for all clubs’ to participate in. Once the awards are presented, we will be ready to celebrate the successes of the day with ‘The Big Band Beer Bash’. Two bands are performing during the evening as well as Storm Machine.
We would love to invite all to experience what the true essence of Young Farmers’ is, you never know it maybe an opportunity to join one of the 18 clubs throughout Shropshire! For further details please visit our website: www.sfyfc.org.uk, Facebook: Shropshire YFC or Instagram: sfyfcrally.