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Art Exhibitions at The Granary Art Gallery

Author | 17 July 2018

Association of Animal Artists - 31 August - 27 September

The Association of Animal Artists (AAA) was established to actively encourage artists working in the animal art genre to come together for support and fellowship.

The AAA is unique because they accept work depicting any living creature, not just wildlife. Many of the artists are award winners, and work in a variety of both 2D and 3D mediums, and many actively support animal charities and conservation work all around the world.

In any AAA exhibition, you will see an eclectic mix of subjects, all executed to an extremely high standard. The AAA holds two exhibitions a year, one in the Spring and one in the autumn, and is delighted this autumn to be exhibiting at The Granary Art Gallery.

The AAA is committed to supporting its animal charity partners and actively works to promote them, including Lancashire Constabulary Retired Police Horse Benevolent Fund, World Horse Welfare, Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust (Martin Mere Wetland Centre) and the Pollyanna Pickering Foundation.

In 2018, they are proud to be supporting The British Hedgehog Preservation Society, (BHPS). Our hedgehogs are in serious decline, and they hope that by working alongside the BHPS they will be able to help raise public awareness of the situation, as well as educating the public with regards to the care and protection of this wonderful native animal.

Embroiderers' Guild 100 Hearts War Stories - 29 September - 30 October

Lest we Forget” are the poignant words spoken by a generation long ago. Those who fought in World War 1 are now largely memories to the generation who came after, and soon they too will be lost to us. Stories of comradeship, bravery, victories and setbacks were captured in the letters sent back to relatives eagerly waiting for news or told by those who returned.  

In conjunction with SSAFA, the Embroiderers’ Guild is proud to be part of the commemoration of all those who took part in World War 1. Using cloth and thread as both a medium and metaphor, textile artists will interpret the stories as unique and sensitive images stitched onto hearts. The pieces will illustrate to a new generation the men and the animals that accompanied them; the uniforms worn and medals won; the regiments that fought together and the family members fondly remembered; the songs that kept their spirits high and the words they wrote to those back home. This will be a unique and thoughtful exhibition put together to fulfil the hope of a generation not to be forgotten.

Above and Below - Paintings and Linocuts of Mining and Miners by John Scott Martin PPRBSA, ARSMA, FRSA - 1 - 29 November

Cramped, claustrophobic spaces contrasting with deep black voids are highlighted with flashes the brightest light to give John’s paintings and prints a sense of drama. He uses collages of papers to depict massive bulks of rough hewn timber juxtaposed with hard rock.

Miners are visualised making the steep ascent up wooden ladders towards the daylight after many hours toiling in the hot, dank atmosphere of the deep levels, or caged for speedier escape. The miners are weary and wet, lit only by the harsh glare from the lights on their helmets: hemmed in by the narrow shafts, the blackness of deep chasms surrounds them.

Artist Talk by John Scott Martin - 1 November

To follow the preview of his exhibition Above & Below John Scott Martin will give an illustrated talk on his work inspired by mines and mining.

This work has developed over the last 50 years. John was born in the Nottinghamshire mining village of Hucknall at a time when there were four working pits. John’s grandfather was a miner and it was this that sparked his interest in mining. As a result of frequent visits to the mining districts of Cornwall his increased knowledge of Cornish mining has inspired many paintings depicting the mining landscapes of West Penwith both above and below ground. Recently he has used the medium of lino cutting to develop a new series of Cornish mining images. However, his latest mining inspired linocuts are derived from his memories of the Nottingham and Derbyshire coalfields that he sketched whilst still at art college.

Event details - 6pm: Private View of the exhibition in the Granary Art Gallery - 7pm: Artist talk in the Auditorium

Tickets - £10 per person and must be booked in advance by contacting 01952 852130

Halls Young Artist Competition - Deadline for entries Friday 26 October - Exhibition throughout December

Our popular annual Young Artist Competition generously sponsored by Shrewsbury based auction house, Halls will take place in the Granary Art Gallery throughout December.

The Weston Park Foundation is inviting schools in Shropshire and Staffordshire to enter this exciting competition so please tell all teachers!

We have a sensational art collection in the House and we are now on the lookout for the next generation of budding artists to stop the crowds with their work.

In view of Weston Park's involvement in the Chippendale 300 celebrations in 2018, there will be themes this year. Children in primary and secondary education are asked to create artworks on the theme of either Furniture or Design to be in with the opportunity to win a cash prize for their school funds as well as art materials for themselves. We welcome all mediums such as paintings, photography, woodwork, printmaking, drawing and sculpture to name a few.

All shortlisted entries will be exhibited in the Granary Art Gallery during December 2018.

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