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news » Leadership team spells out ambitious plans for school

jane hughes and caroline bedford at burton borough school

Leadership team spells out ambitious plans for school

Author | 07 June 2024

The new leadership team at Burton Borough secondary school in Newport have outlined their ‘unapologetically ambitious’ plans for the future at a meeting with parents.

Caroline Bedford, who will be the new principal from September, was joined by Jane Hughes and Richard Gummery from the Learning Community Trust, which took control of the school in April.

They covered a wide range of topics including leadership, management and teaching standards as well as safeguarding, communication, student behaviour and pastoral care, and answered a host of questions from families.

Jane Hughes, chief executive of the Trust, said: “We are under no illusion, and recognise that there is a considerable job to be done here. Raising the standard of teaching and learning, and pupil behaviour, is our priority.”

Richard Gummery, who is currently working as executive principal at the school, said: “Our focus over these first couple of months has been to try to stabilise the school and look at some of the key areas of concern raised by parents since our arrival.

“We want to stretch students at the top end, as well as supporting our young people when they need it. Every child here has to learn, achieve and be successful.”

Caroline Bedford said: “This is the start of a really exciting opportunity. I have a deep-rooted belief in the power of education to change young people’s lives, and it is an honour and privilege to be taking over as head teacher of this school.

“We will be uncompromisingly and unapologetically ambitious in our curriculum and our teaching so that we allow our young people to achieve their academic potential. Our students have the right to an absolutely exemplary education.

“Academic achievement is important, but we want young people to excel in all parts of their lives – so we will also encourage and nurture their talents, skills and interests through a wide range of opportunities in sports and the arts ... dance, drama, music, theatre, and sports.”

She promised families that there would be a ‘culture of celebrating achievement and rewarding positive attributes’, and said she wanted to make Newport’s young people proud to attend a school which was at the heart of the local community.

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