town team » newport
newport's town team - actively promoting our historic market town
When is the next Town Team Meeting?
Tuesday 3rd September 2019 at 5.30pm
Venue: The Pheasant Inn has kindly agreed to host the meeting 'free of charge' in the pub (thanks).
- Mike Atherton - Town Team Manager 07581 454882
- Email for more information
What is Newport's Town Team?
Newport’s 'Town Team' was formed in February 2013 by a group of active traders / businesses to help improve the viability and vitality of our traditional market town – sustaining what we have and improving for the future. The concept of town teams came from a national review carried out by Mary Portas in 2011 into the state of Britain’s high streets. Portas’ report (Dec 2011) recommended formation of town teams to help town centres like Newport’s to evolve to meet changing social and retail trends.
Newport’s town team is led by five local business leaders and supported by around 30 active businesses including independents, regionals & nationals including our two leading town centre based supermarkets (Waitrose & Cooperative).
The town team’s primary objectives are to;
- actively market Newport as a retail, social and tourism destination and to promote its wider offer
- provide regular and effective communications with and between local businesses
- encourage business to business support using local knowledge and experience to help support and sustain existing and new businesses
- ensure regular maintenance of the physical environment and to promote improvements to our heritage buildings for the benefit of local people, shoppers and visitors
- ensure good governance
Agendas, Minutes & eBulletins
- To Follow - Agenda AGM(PDF) | Agenda Business(PDF) | Minutes(PDF)
Town Team Newsletters
- Latest Edition of NEWPORTFIRST - To Follow
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Join Newport Town Team
If you wish to join Newport's Town Team, or should you have any issues that you wish to raise with us then please email the team.
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