telephone & opening times » newport shropshire
Useful Telephone Numbers
Below is a list of local and national numbers, for quick and easy contact. Please let us know if you believe we have missed an important contact off, just email:
Newport Town Council | 01952 814338 |
Newport Town Library | 01952 382965 |
Newport Tourist Information | 07973 385929 |
Newport Civic Society | 01952 606901 |
Newport Food Bank | 01952 811655 |
Newport Chamber of Commerce | 07973 385929 |
Newport Navy Club | 07772 611540 |
Newport Swimming Pool | 01952 382740 |
Newport (Boughey) Tennis Club | 07912 672778 |
Newport Rugby Club | 01952 810021 |
Newport Cricket Club | Janet 07791 272054 |
Newport Shropshire Cycling Club | 0845 287 1809 |
Ultimate Taxis | 01952 813636 |
Newport in Bloom | |
Telford & Wrekin Council | 01952 380000 |
Wrekin Housing Trust Newport | 01952 217030 |
Recycling, Rubbish and Litter | 01952 384384 |
Planning Department | 01952 380380 |
Council Tax and Benefits | 01952 383838 |
Shropshire Council (std rate) | 0345 678 9000 |
Childline | 0800 1111 |
Samaritans | 116 123 |
Mind | 0300 123 3393 |
Age UK | 0800 169 6565 |
La Leche League | 0345 1202918 |
Domestic Violence Hotline | 0808 2000 247 |
Telford Crisis Support | 01952 380 400 or 01952 567174 |
Inland Revenue Helpline | 0845 900 0444 |
Tax Credits Helpline | 0845 300 3900 |
Police, Fire, Ambulance | 999 |
Police (Non-emergency calls) | 101 |
Electricity (Emergency) | 0800 052 0400 |
Gas (Emergency) | 0800 111 999 |
Severn Trent Water (Emergency) | 0800 783 4444 |
Wycherley’s Dental Practice | 01952 459459 |
Shrop Doc | 0333 222 6655 |
The Princess Royal Hospital | 01952 641222 |
The Shropshire Nuffield Hospital | 01743 282500 |
NHS Direct (Calls are Free) | 111 |
Newport Cottage Care Centre | 01952 820893 |
Dementia Friendly Newport | |
Newport BRITISH Legion | 01952 810375 |
Childs Ercall Jubilee Hall | 01942 840572 |
Burton Borough School | 01952 386500 |
Castle House School | 01952 811035 |
CHerubS Nursery | 01952 811035 |
Church Aston Infant School | 01952 386390 |
Church Eaton Endowed (VA) Primary School | 01785 823089 |
Edgmond Hall | 01952 810799 |
Gnosall St Lawrence CofE Primary School | 01785 822391 |
Haberdashers’ Adams’ School | 01952 386300 |
Harper Adams University | 01952 820280 |
Haughton St Giles CofE Primary School | 01785 780511 |
Lilleshall Primary School | 01952 388430 |
Moorfield Primary School | 01952 386470 |
Muxton Primary School | 01952 387690 |
Newport CofE Junior School | 01952 386600 |
Newport Girl’ High School | 01952 797550 |
Newport Infant School | 01952 386610 |
Sheriffhales Primary School | 01952 460204 |
SS Peter & Paul Catholic Primary School | 01952 386450 |
St Peter’s CofE Primary Edgmond | 01952 811692 |
St Mary’s CofE First School & Nursery | 01785 841463 |
Tibberton CofE Primary School | 01952 387790 |
If you found this local directory of telephone numbers and opening times useful, please take a second to share it with friends, family and colleagues.
Local Opening Times
Below are the opening times for local establishments you may find useful, we will add more should you feel there is something missing that you would find useful. Just email:
Newport Town Council (The Guildhall Offices) | Monday - Friday 10am - 3pm, CLOSED Weekend |
Newport Library | Monday CLOSED, Tuesday 10am - 5pm, Wednesday 10am - 5pm, Thursday CLOSED, Friday 9am - 4pm, Saturday 9.30am - 1pm, Sunday - CLOSED |
The Linden Hall Surgery (Station Road) | Monday- Friday: 8am to 6pm, Tuesday evening: 6.30pm - 8.20pm, Wed evening: 6.30pm - 8.20pm |
Wellington Road Surgery | Monday - Friday 8am - 6.30pm, (Phone lines: 8.30am - 6pm - 01952 811677) |
Newport Post Office | Monday to Friday 8.30am – 5.30pm, Saturday 9am – 1pm, closed Sunday. May vary during Bank Holidays |
News Express/Card 'n' Play Shop | Monday to Friday 6.00am – 5.30pm, Saturday 6.30am – 5.00pm, Sunday 7.30am – 12.00 noon. May vary during Bank Holidays |
Newport Heritage Centre | Saturday 10am - 2pm, CLOSED: Monday - Friday and Sunday |
Hortonwood Recycling Centre | Open 9am - 5pm seven days a week, 362 days a year |
Spring/Summer Opening | March - October: Monday 8am - 4.30pm, Tuesday 8am - 4.30pm, Wednesday - Thursday CLOSED, Friday 8am - 4.30pm, Saturday 8am - 4.30pm, Sunday 8am - 4.30pm, Bank Holidays 8am - 4.30pm |
Winter Opening | November - February: Monday 8am - 4.30pm, Tuesday 8am - 4.30pm, Wednesday - Thursday CLOSED, Friday 8am - 4.30pm, Saturday 10am - 3.30pm, Sunday 10am - 3.30pm Bank Holidays - 10am - 3.30pm |
Telford Council Bin Days | |
Staffs Council Bin Days | |
how to get in touch
contact by phone
To discuss your sales or marketing needs, events or editorial, please call Karen on 07973 385929
contact by email
For local news stories, please send your editorial and photos to
contact by post
All About Newport Ltd, c/o MSA Ferndale, Suite 7, Nova House, Audley Avenue Enterprise Park, Newport, Shropshire, TF10 7DW